Scott P. ‘Doc’ Vaughn is an illustrator and writer living in the Phoenix area since 1990, hailing originally from Milwaukee, Wisconsin where he was raised with an encouraged imagination. He has turned those imaginings into zines (M&V), websites, webcomics (such as Warbirds of Mars), print comics, and novels, as well as hundreds of personal and freelance illustrations. He has shown at local galleries and venues and has been published online and in select books and periodicals.
A self-proclaimed Renaissance Man, Scott is also an editor, creator, self-publisher, designer, webmaster, ordained minister, fanboy, collector, movie critic, chocolate malt lover and appreciates the occasional fine wine. He has hosted podcasts and his own YouTube channel and publishes books and comics via his company Paperstreet Ent., LLC.
Among Scott’s interests are classic illustrations and movie genres, family, friends, and a severe predilection for ‘Doctor Who’. His work takes many nods from pop, pulp, and classical culture from the early 20th century through today. He is available for freelance illustrations and commissions.